Thursday 21 October 2010

Adjusted nose and mouth again, created eyebrows and a briefly reviewed.

I have adjusted my nose and mouth again, make it smaller.
The eyebrows created in same ways that create eyelash and hair.

The head model seemed very like me at first blush. Of course, the progression of modeling had been refined again and again.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Completed. look like me?~

It look like me~?

PS: Due to see my hair clearly, I have changed the background color to gray of render.

Monday 18 October 2010

My eyelash and hair

Selected line at the edge of the eyelid, click ‘Create Sharp from Selection’. Click it and chose Freeze unselection. Hold Shift to copy the line according the eyelash sharp.
Then attach that and adjusted the vertexes.
After that, divide the line and chose the Spline, used the ‘Cross Section’ to link these lines, then deleted.

Right click and chose ‘Smooth’ to make it look better.
The next works is Detach these Splines, and attached that sequential order. The sequence is most impotent.
Selected the ‘Hair and Fun’ from modifier list. Set the Root color is black, Tip color is dark gray. Finally, modify other parameters to refine the eyelash, as the count, rand scale and thick.

Hair created in same way that create eyelash.

Friday 15 October 2010

Eyeball created and UV mapping

Eyeball Created

Firstly, I have dragged a sphere on front view, hold on Shift and scale to copy small one. Tick the soft select and select the vertex in the top, move upward. Then, selected the small one, through circular selection region to select polygon in the top, detach and move the pivot to center to object, rotate 180 degree and make align. Then chose the Nomal from Modifer list. Drag the sphere with AutoGrid, and sunk down it.

Secondly, I have edited the material to eyeball. The eye white included transparent material and white material. The transparent need adjust the Specular Highlights and set Reflect/Refract on the Reflection. The iris has a glass texture map for color. The color I chose the brown and set the diffuse color to smaller. The Specular set wide highlight but not a sharp. And then, I have adjusted the texture UV angle. The Pupil had adjusted the Specular level and goodness.
Finally, grouped these parts, hold Shift to copy another one and mirrored.

UV Mapping

In this stage, I have expanded the UV three times. Obviously, I make getting better and better.
This is first Mapping

This is Second times 

The last Mapping

In fact, I have adjusted the model before mapping ever time. And now, my head model looks better. After that, I have mirrored and welded.

Then, I opened the UV in Photoshop. Follow the video, I have pasted my face according the UV. About the skin texture, I made the new layer to paint the color of ‘Blanched Almond’, set the opacity to 60% and chose the dissolve from Blend model. And then, create the new layer and print similar color merge layer with upon one. I think the color dark than my face, I create transparent layer and merge it.

Saturday 9 October 2010

My head have been done except Mapping

My ear!!
There are lots of troubles when I created my ear.
Firstly, I have made the face inside-out.

I tried the ‘Normal’ tool, but it really not good.
So I must make my ear again. It need more careful with adjust vertex.

Make my head
Next, I have make the ear and back of head to together.

My Head is Complete!!
I have smooth and adjust some vertex.
I have made the eyeball~ But it look like....uh....... in a word, I am prettier than in the model!!!

Actually, I have tried to mapping my head, but it really difficult.
The first time was failed. I am doing again…

Thursday 30 September 2010

Group Established

We established a group for make the 3d animation to presenting ‘My Essex’.
Our group consists of Tracy, Christina, Andrew and me.
We have discuss the theme of the animation, I have two ideas, one is intro the different festivities on the different place, another is present four seasons on different place.
Another raised the idea as show the different place through the ages, and used voiceovers to intro Essex.
We need to carry on the discussion next class and make a decision of idea.

After class, I have searched some image about Essex.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Tutorial 4,5,6,7 have been done

Follow the tutorial video, I have drew the lines on the front view. And then, chose one closed frame turn to poly and attach the all others. But now, a new problem has arisen on the outer piece that I made the triangle due to I just pay attention to the shape of face. I must do it again from drew the lines.

Next I click and drag all of vertexes, click wild setting and adjust the ‘Weld Threshold’ to wild vertex. Then, I modified the face through move vertex. To avoid triangle arise again, I have to do it very carefully.
After that, I have change the left view to right view and made the face shape. There is skill to make the process easier: Click control and X key to make the model translucent.

Adjust vertex according to the angle of face is most important, especially upper lip, corner of the eye and cheek.

The tutorial video intro three ways to make mirror, It is respectively Mirror, Clone and Symmetry. I chose the last one. But I make a little different, I chose Hierarchy plan and click ‘Affect pivot only’ to move the Y-axis to align the axle wire of my face. After that, I added Symmetry Modifier from modifier list.

My nose

I have watched the video many times to create my nose. It is really difficult for me. I think the nose’s line not clear is the most important cause of the trouble of make nose. I had to remove this part’s lines and create again. I completed the nose follow the video.

Back of the my head
Firstly, I opened my photograph on Photoshop and drew the line from back of head to neck.

Opened 3ds Max and drug a plane, used the same way to mapping the image and freeze it.
Secondly, drag a sphere according to my face size on front view. And then, I learned a new skill that ‘Paint Selection Region’. I selected the polygon around my head on the sphere and click delete. Move the vertex align to face. In the process, soft selection was used.
Then I adjusted the vertex according head shape and neck. The angle still is point. And the method same as before made face.

After that, I cut lines to refine the head and weld to face.

My mouth

Created my mouth used same way as nose, and adjusted to mouth shape. I think corners of the mouth need attention to the angle between the nose.